Monday, June 1, 2015

Spring 2015

Where to begin? We've had lots of fun over the last several weeks! Cole has enjoyed experimenting with the camera (3 year olds do not have the most flattering angle on their parents :)), he spent time doing science experiments, the boys started playing together, Bradley has tried solid food and rolled over for the first time on Memorial Day!

This first group of pictures is from back in early April. We've got one of Bradley's first baseball game! He was a very good sport and it also happened to be the OKC Dodgers season opener! Cole experimented with selfies and playing in suitcases. Bradley discovered he can play with toys and that smiling for the camera can be fun! 

We went to Kansas City one weekend to meet up with Mike, Chelsea and Penelope! We hit the ground running with a visit to Legoland and the aquarium! The kiddos had a blast (so did the adults!)  We followed up with excellent food all weekend, two Google Maps led trips through a really rough area and a Royals game! 

We had SEVERAL lazy days around the house, Cole's love of selfies grew, Bradley started to enjoy the high chair and I refinished our dining room set! 

We had a trip to Midland where Bradley got to meet Nana, perfected his tummy time skills, Cole played cars and wrapped up another semester in Kindermusik! 

The lazy boys watched some Frozen, Cole made faces and learned about worms! For Memorial Day weekend we headed up to Montana where Cole got to climb a boulder! 

While in Montana we got to see so much family and friends! Unfortunately, the only times I thought to get my camera out were for the boulder picture and the picture with the horse, below. We've also got a pic of Cole playing with Bradley and then finally Bradley working on those sitting skills! 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

It's April

It's April! Where has the time gone? I feel like every blog post starts the same way, but seriously, how is it already April?
If I thought we were busy Pre-Bradley (which we were) I know we are busy now!  It feels like we wake up, get ready, go to work, play with babies, clean said babies, feed those babies, go for a walk, maybe do a little laundry and dishes, go to sleep and repeat!
Since our last post we've had some major milestones, we found out Bradley has reflux and after getting on some baby Zantec we have a whole new baby! Cole got a bunk bed in preparation for future sleepovers and sharing a room with his brother down the road! Bradley had his first road trip (Houston), met his future wife (Adalyn, Madi, Stingerie Twins (via mommy) and Moira prepare to fight it out), first Valentine's, first St Patrick's, and first Easter. We just enrolled Cole in preschool, he starts 3 days a week in August and is beyond excited! Bradley had his first giggle and is well on his way to rolling.  Cole wrapped up another season in ISR swim lessons!
Here are some pictures from over the last couple weeks!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Cole & Bradley

Two kids is definitely different than one! With Cole, missing some sleep at night wasn't so bad because I could make it up with him the next day. But with two, making up the missed sleep has to be coordinated between two kids. Cole was already on a pretty decent schedule so we've been trying to keep that going for when I head back to work.  There have been some pretty stressful times but for the most part it's been pretty sweet. Double smiles, double love, double cuddling and who can complain about that?! 

I read an article recently by a mother that basically said to enjoy "someone needing you" because there will come a time when that's not constant. I can already see that with Cole (I know, I know, he's only three).  He can go potty by himself, can dress himself, grabs a blanket if he's chilly, strips if he's hot, and the list goes on and on.  I can't imagine what things will be like in 3 more years! So for right now I'm enjoying "someone needing me" (actually two someones) and life sure is sweet!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Cole Turns 3!

It's hard to believe that Cole is already 3! He is such a great guy and the last three years have just flown by! He loves cooking, Legos, coloring, reading and playing pretend.  And the newest description to add to his resume is great big brother! The transition was a little rough at first but now he is a pro at being a big brother!

We celebrated his birthday with a party at a bowling alley, it was a blast! We joke between his birthday and Christmas he is so confused about why he keeps getting gifts, but he keeps asking if we can go to Christmas, haha.